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7 Tips for Preparing Your Home for Heavy Snow and Ice

4 min read

Winter in Denver can bring heavy snowstorms and freezing temperatures, potentially endangering homeowners and their property. It’s important to prepare your home for inclement weather ahead of time to ensure the safety and comfort of your family. By mobilizing early, you can minimize your risk of interior water damage, a collapsed roof, cracked shingles and other hazards.

Take these seven proactive measures to safeguard your home from snow and ice damage and avoid falling victim to Old Man Winter.

1. Spot Possible Weaknesses in Your Home

Start by taking a walk around your property and inspecting it for any areas that may be susceptible to damage from heavy snow and ice. Look for cracks in the foundation, loose or missing shingles on the roof and gaps around windows and doors. These weak points can lead to leaks, drafts and further damage during winter storms.

2. Winterize Your Windows and Doors

Cozy office with bay & bow windows  and winter views

To keep your home warm and free of chilly drafts during the winter months, check your windows and doors for gaps and cracks. Use weatherstripping or caulk to seal any areas where cold air could enter. This can help prevent water infiltration and air leakage, which not only improves energy efficiency but also enhances the overall comfort and durability of your home. 

You may be better off replacing your windows altogether if your old ones aren’t up to par. Consider upgrading your single- or double-pane windows to new triple-pane ones to add an extra layer of protection from the elements during cold nights. Triple-pane windows are a prime choice for Colorado’s hard winters because they offer extra insulation to keep your home cozy all season. For the best defense against Denver’s cold climate, choose vinyl windows to withstand even the toughest conditions.

3. Reinforce Your Roof and Attic

Assess your roof for any signs of damage such as cracked or missing shingles. Repairing these issues before a winter storm arrives will increase your roof’s integrity against snow accumulation, which can lead to leakage and even collapse. A roof rake is your best defense against heavy snowfall.

Additionally, ensure that your attic is well-insulated to prevent the formation of ice dams, which are created from the buildup of melted snow that runs down your roof and refreezes near the edge. Dams can tear off gutters, loosen shingles and cause leaking. Proper attic insulation will help your roof maintain a consistent temperature and minimize heat loss.

4. Maintain Landscaping and Tree Care

Living room with winter views

Prune and trim any tree branches that might break under the weight of heavy snow and ice. Snow-covered branches can pose a threat to your family and home’s safety if they snap off. Winter is also the ideal time to remove dead or decaying trees that may be at risk of falling during a raging storm.

5. Freeze-Proof Pipes and Plumbing

Frozen pipes can burst and cause significant leakage damage to your home. Insulate exposed pipes in unheated areas such as basements, garages or crawlspaces. Disconnecting and draining outdoor hoses will combat freezing. Consider insulating outdoor faucets or installing freeze-proof spigots. In extremely cold weather, allow faucets to drip slowly to prevent or thaw frozen pipes.

6. Clear Snow Early

Front porch during winter

Invest in a good quality snow shovel or snowblower to clear your entryway, driveway and sidewalk efficiently so you don’t slip or fall. Clearing snow as soon as possible will prevent it from compacting and becoming harder to remove. Use de-icers or salt to melt ice and provide traction on slippery surfaces. Be cautious when using metal shovels or tools around your home, as they can cause damage to delicate surfaces like roofs or gutters.

7. Make an Emergency Preparedness Plan

Should you get snowed in or lose power for an extended period, you need to have an emergency plan in place. Your emergency preparedness kit should include essential items like flashlights, batteries, a first aid kit, blankets, non-perishable food and water. Keep a battery-powered radio on hand to stay informed about weather updates and any emergency alerts. In addition, familiarize yourself with your home’s emergency shut-off valves for water, gas and electricity to stay safe and reduce property damage. 

Prepare Your Home for Winter with Window World of Denver 

Dining room with snowy views

Stay safe and enjoy the beauty of a winter wonderland right from the comfort of your home. Taking proactive measures to prepare for heavy snow and ice will help protect your property and keep your family warm and secure all season long. For more tips on how to safeguard your home, check out these 5 additional winterizing tips

Ready to keep your home cozy during the chilly months? At Window World of Denver, we take pride in offering replacement doors and windows that prioritize quality, longevity and energy efficiency. Our expertly crafted products are designed to provide insulation, protection and beauty for your Colorado home. Contact us today to request your free estimate and get your home winter-ready.

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